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Newton Motor Vehicle Injury Attorneys

For many people, going through a motor vehicle accident can change their lives…and not typically in a good way because of the loss, the pain, the damage, and the trauma. Here at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys, we are committed to taking your life back with sound legal advice and excellent legal support.

Car Accident Injury lawyers

If you, your family, or your loved ones are suffering injuries from an automobile accident due to another person or entity’s negligence, you have the right to fair compensation for hospital treatment, property damage, pain, lost wages or income, and trauma. Unfortunately, fighting for this right can be a big challenge and all the paperwork required can be very taxing, which is why we at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys exist. We exist to help you navigate through legal processes and to get the compensation that you deserve. We’re ready to fight for your right.

Whether you’ve been in a car accident, motorcycle accident, truck accident, or any other type of motor vehicle accident that caused an injury or death, it’s important to face insurance companies and demand fair compensation with the guidance and support of an established vehicle accident injury attorney.

Here at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys, your welfare is our top priority so you won’t need to pay us unless we get a settlement for you. We’ve been a trusted personal injury law firm here in Newton for a long time, and the legal representation we offer you is the same quality that we’ve provided the many other clients that we have fought for and won for in court.

Whether you’re going up against individuals, businesses, insurance companies, or other entities, the automobile accident attorneys at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys make sure that you get the justice and fair compensation that you are entitled to.

Call the Personal Injury Attorneys of Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys at (617) 544-2886 for a Free Consultation!

The Voice of the Victim

As a victim of motor vehicle accidents, you have the right to fair compensation as well as the right to heal in peace.

Massachusetts car accident injury attorneys

Accident injuries can range from brain injury, spinal cord injury, mental anguish, and no matter what injuries you’re suffering, Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys makes sure that you’re heard. We are committed to making your legal journey smoother and less stressful; this way we help you begin a peaceful healing process.

Sifting through the details of a crime scene requires quite a lot of energy, time, and resources – some things that victims may not have the luxury of. This is where we come in. Here at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys, our experienced legal professionals work with you and handle all the studying of past cases, researching, analyzing, and verifying the facts of your case, and presenting them in an organized and coherent manner.

Many people think becoming their own attorneys can save them time and money as they fight for their right to just compensation. Unfortunately, self-representation isn’t always the best solutions, especially when you don’t have much knowledge or experience in situations such as this. Leave the stress and hassle to our Newton, MA team of accomplished lawyers here at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys. As trained and experienced negotiators, we are driven to find the best solution through mediation or settlement. And if that doesn’t do it, our litigation lawyers are fully equipped to take things to the courtroom.

Aggressive, Dedicated Accident Attorneys

Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys’s motor vehicle accident attorneys are ready to give you full support in your personal injury legal matters, and we do this with sound legal counsel, detailed examination of your case to determine responsibility, and extensive research on local, state, as well as federal laws.

Quite a number of accidents have negligence as a contributor in one way or another. The most common types of accidents that involve the negligence of a person other than yourself include:

  • Reckless Driving Accidents – According to studies, reckless driving accounts for 33% of all car accident fatalities. This can include aggressive driving, speeding, failure to comply with traffic laws, carelessness, etc. Our lawyers here at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys can help you with filing claims against drivers who are at fault, the insurance company involved, and even the drivers’ employer if the accident occurred during company time.
  • Drunk Driving Accidents – In the year 2016 alone, 10,497 people were killed, and 290,000 were injured in drunk-driving accidents. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious matter because it results in aggressive and illogical driving behavior, diminished control over the vehicle, and even falling asleep while driving. When it comes to situations like this, our lawyers carefully look into police reports and analyze who events happened. We also ensure that alcohol intoxication levels are accurate, so we request further tests to be done, if necessary.
  • Distracted Driving Accidents – Studies show that distracted driving accounts for 25% of all motor vehicle fatalities, and is responsible for over 58% of teenage-driver accidents. With the wide use of smartphones in the country, it isn’t a surprise. Law enforcement also has many indicators to determine whether or not a driver was distracted during the accident. Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys attorneys are very much familiar and experienced with this process, and we are ready to thoroughly search for testimonies from eyewitnesses, any activity on social media, as well as police reports to ascertain that distracted driving is the cause of your accident injury.
  • Automotive Defects – Defective automobiles or automobile parts also contribute to a percentage of motor vehicle accidents in the US. They range from faulty brakes, defective airbags, substandard tires, defective ignition switches, and a lot more. Our attorneys are experienced and equipped to look into automotive part recalls that are issues and verify if your accident or injury was caused by defective or faulty mechanics. And if we find that it was, we will hold the vehicle manufacturer responsible for it.
  • Poor Road Conditions – Potholes, uneven terrain, slippery roads, etc. can sometimes be enough to cause an accident. Our lawyers here at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys study the scene and analyze the events of the accident in order to tell whether or not the road conditions are poor/hazardous, as well as whose responsibility it is to properly maintain the roads and keep motorists safe. Should this lead to legal action against government offices, then we are ready to fight that battle with you as well.

Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys is committed to representing you against people, corporations, government bodies, or other entities that may have caused your injuries. Whether you’re a victim of a bicycle accident, hit-and-run accident, uninsured accident, etc., we want to give you the personal injury legal support that you need in order for you to get the fair compensation that you are legally entitled to.

What To Do When You Are Injured

whiplash after automobile accident

Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys and its team of accomplished lawyers have handled numerous personal injury matters and have successfully helped our clients get the compensation that they needed in order to pay for medical treatments, family support, damages, property loss, and assistance in the healing process. Whether you’re suffering an injury caused by car accident, medical malpractice, or motorcycle accident, we are here for you.

As a law firm that specializes in personal injury cases, Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys has a tried-and-tested process when dealing with our motor vehicle accident claims:

  1. Seek Medical Treatment – If any of the parties involved in the collision are injured, the first thing you need to do is to seek medical attention immediately. Enumerate and specify each ache, complaint, symptom, etc. that you have even though you consider them minor or irrelevant. It’s important to provide as much detail and information as you can in your medical record at the time of the accident because those details missed out may not be considered valid later in the process.
  2. Hire an Attorney – You don’t have to face this alone. Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys can help you through our Free Consultations and Free Case Reviews. Our personal injury attorneys are trained and experienced in aggressively seeking all means to get you the justice and fair compensation you need and are entitled to. Sound legal advice, professional insight, and careful guidance from an established law firm are important if you’re looking for the most favorable result.
  3. Build the Case – Here at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys, we make sure that we know who the at-fault party is and what the most reasonable expected compensation should be. We do this by immediately investigating the details of your case; from contacting insurance companies to gathering crime scene information, to reviewing accident reports and medical records, to interviewing relevant parties, and much more.
  4. Communication – Being on the same page is very important to us, which is why we make sure that you know precisely where we are in the case and what is going on. We start this by explaining to you how Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys works during the Free Consultation. Our attorneys help you understand what we can do to improve your chances of success. We also keep you updated on your case through monthly reviews.
  5. Settlement – When you have already been released by your primary care physician, our lawyers here at Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys compile your medical records, billing information, lost wage details, etc., in order to prepare the settlement demand. We will discuss this demand with you, making sure that all losses are accounted for. Once we have agreed upon the demand, we then present it to the defense attorney or claims adjuster. As far as negotiations are concerned, we will handle all of it until we can present a final offer to you, which you can then decide to either accept or reject.
  6. Injury Lawsuit – Your insurance claims should ideally be settled outside the courtroom as it avoids the demands of time, effort, and money that litigation usually does. In the instance that a settlement cannot be agreed upon outside the courtroom, then Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys’s team of attorneys can fight with and for you in court. We do all that we can to maximize your compensation package by negotiating effectively and minimizing court time.
  7. Post-Settlement – As soon as a settlement is reached or once the lawsuit is found in your favor, funds are then settled according to the agreement. The funds from your settlement payout will be deposited into a trust account before disbursement. Once all liens, bills have been paid for (at reduced and negotiated rates), you will then receive the final settlement check of the remaining funds.

If you, your family, or a loved one is a victim of a motorcycle accident, truck accident, car accident, or any other motor vehicle accident because of the negligence of another person or entity, Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys and our strong team of experienced motor vehicle accident attorneys are here for you.

Let’s Talk Now- Free Consultation

Sweeney Merrigan Law LLP

You don’t have to stress yourself out by going another day without an expert, experienced legal support by your side. You don’t need ordinary attorneys; you need ones who specialize in personal injury cases and who do an excellent job in the field. This is what Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys offers and this is what you deserve – attorneys who understand the ins and outs of motor vehicle accident law.

If you’re looking for excellent legal support in Newton, then Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys is what you need. We’re ready to provide you the legal counsel, guidance, and assistance that you need in order for you to begin a peaceful healing process.

Call Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys today at (617) 544-2886 your Free Consultation with a Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Attorney!